Creator of Project Gutenberg and eBooks Passes Away

Michael Hart, who created the first e-book when he typed the Declaration of Independence into a computer on July 4, 1971, and created Project Gutenberg, the oldest and largest digital library, was found dead on Tuesday at his home in Urbana, Ill. He was 64.

Michael will be missed. His legacy of openly available ebooks live on. Hart’s contribution to society will be eternal.

Chameleon – Getting iOS Apps To Mac Faster

ChameleonProjectI was catching-up on my reading on and saw two great posts that touch on issues facing iOS app creators.

The first could be a real help to those in the iOS community who wish to port their iOS apps to the Mac. While there is a great deal of commonality between Cocoa and Cocoa Touch, there are some differences. So what is an entrepid iOS to do to get a great iOS app quickly over to the Mac? One way might be Chameleon. Simply put, Chameleon is an API that allows your UIKit calls to work as AppKit calls. Or as Iconfactory puts it,

    If you’re an iOS developer, you’re already familiar with UIKit, the framework used to create apps for the iPhone, iPod and iPad. Chameleon is a drop in replacement for UIKit that runs on Mac OS X. In many cases, your iOS code doesn’t need to change at all in order to run on a Mac.”

That is pretty cool. In addition to the Chameleon library, you can pick up a really pretty t-shirt at Chameleon.

Screenshots-A Legal Way To Get Screenshots

Note: Please remember that this post is over 5-years old, is not therefore current, so code at your own risk.

Screenshot 2011 03 25 04 23 15Well, Screenshots is finally done. So, what took so long since the last post about Screenshots on March 7th?

The worst thing about having perfectionist attributes is that sometimes they are detriments. Take, for example, my initial Screenshots demo app. Yes, it worked in so much as it did demonstrate that by using Apple’s Q&A 1702, 1703, 1704, and 1714 you could get they type of screen shot, or screen image, that you could by using UIGetScreenImage(). But it was…how best to put it, so ugly that not even its coder (I) could love it. So I rewrote it. All of it. And then I added features. Yeah…like I said, a detriment.

Ok…so what took so long?

